how much is a replacement car key?
car key coding price
1 Find the car make, model and year for your vehicle. Then locate the car VIN number. The make and model information is located in your car manual or in your dealer paperwork. The VIN number is located on the inside of the door frame on the dashboard right near the windshield. All of this information is also available on your car registration and insurance card.
2 Contact a reputable spare car key maker or locksmith eiather online or locally. Look in the phone book under "locksmiths" for a local dealer. Try or if you want to find your keys online.
3 Give the company your car information including the make, model and year. If you are visiting a local locksmith, simply bring your insurance card with you, or copy the make, model, year and VIN onto a piece of paper. If buying keys online, you will either enter this information into a form, or locate your particular car by selecting the make, then model and finally the year on the company website.
4 Give the company your car VIN number. This will always be required since car keys are cut by the car VIN number. Once the company has the VIN number, they will cut your keys and send them to you.