1 Call a local automotive store and ask if it can cut chip keys. If it can, take your chip key to the store and request a duplicate copy. An additional chip key can only be cut if you have one of the original keys.
2 Call a locksmith. If you need to replace a lost chip key, you must contact a professional with the appropriate equipment to create a new chip key and program your car to recognize the key.
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dashboardprogramming.com3 Tell the locksmith the year, make and model of your car and ask if he has the equipment to cut and program new chip keys. A locksmith can create new chip keys for some vehicles, like Fords. You must take other vehicles, like BMWs or Volvos, to a dealership for key replacement.
4 Call the local dealership that specializes in your vehicle's make and request a new chip key. Make arrangements with the dealership for your vehicle to be towed to the dealership.
5 Present the dealership with your identification and vehicle's registration paperwork. You must prove ownership of the car before the dealership makes new chip keys.
6 Test the new chip key before leaving the dealership. If it does not work, notify the service department so that the key can be programmed properly.